Bub’s First Foods: An Introduction to Solids

Bub’s First Foods: An Introduction to Solids

Bub’s First Foods: An Introduction to Solids

When is my bub ready for solid foods? Where do I start? What foods should I avoid?

As you begin to think about introducing your bub to solid foods, it can get quite overwhelming. There is a lot of information out there, and it may be hard to digest. So, to help make the process a little easier, we have a simple guide for you about introducing solids to your little bub.

Is my bub ready for solids?

The Nutritional Health and Medical Research Council in Australia recommends that bubs should be introduced to solid foods between four to six months. This can vary depending on your bub, but signs of readiness include:

  • Being able to sit unsupported and hold up their head
  • Declining tongue thrust reflex (the reflex that pushes food out of their mouths)
  • Your bub is generally hungrier and fussier
  • Increase interest in the food around them

How do I prepare solids for my bub?

All bubs develop at different stages – some cruise through and others can take a while longer, but that’s not a problem. Each age stage means a different way you should prepare solids for your bubs as they learn to become more independent and confident with eating.

4 – 6 months: Purees

Smooth food is the way to go! Your bub has known nothing but liquid until this stage and it will take time for them to get used to it.

You should aim for nutrient dense purees and iron rich foods, and pureed fruit, steamed veggies and meat are all up for grabs. These are the perfect carriers for foods such as egg yolks. 

Start with 1 – 2 tablespoons and build up the quantity according to how your bub feels! 

7 – 8 months: Lumpy food

Once your bub has gotten used to your beautifully crafted purees, its time to mix it up with lumpier foods. Introducing your bub to lumpy food helps them practice their jaw and chewing movement. They don’t need their teeth yet for this.

There is no longer need to puree the food, but rather mash the meals with a fork. Chuck in some mashed up fresh veggies, scrambled eggs and even some minced or shredded meat. This adds more texture for your bub to explore.

9 – 12 months: Finger foods and family foods

This is when you begin to transition your bub away from smoother foods to more textured and finger foods, and let them join you for meals.

By this age, bubs will learn to pick up food and feed themselves, as well as further develop parts of their mouth that will help them prepare for the speech that’s about to come.

Small pieces of soft fruits or cooked veggies are great, sticks of toast as well if they’re up for it! If you’re having pasta for dinner, let your bub enjoy small pieces so that they feel they are involved!

Which solids should my bub try?

Thinking of new solids for your bub to try can get tricky and you may think you’ve run out of ideas. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

An easy way to introduce new foods to your bub is with our Razbaby Fresh Food Feeder! 

Here are 100 different choices of solids for you to choose from:

1.             Pumpkin

2.            Apple

3.            Pear

4.           Banana

5.            Blueberries

6.            Cucumber

7.            Avocado

8.            Mango

9.            Apricot

10.         Peach

11.          Raspberries

12.         Kiwifruit

13.         Watermelon

14.        Cherries

15.         Oranges

16.         Papaya

17.         Plums

18.         Prunes

19.         Grapefruit

20.       Cranberries

21.         Coconut

22.       Figs

23.       Sultanas

24.       Grapes

25.       Rock melon


26.       Nectarine

27.        Strawberries

28.       Mandarin

29.       Blackberries

30.       Spinach

31.         Taro

32.       Zucchini

33.       Cauliflower

34.       Brussels sprouts

35.       Eggplant

36.        Carrot

37.        Asparagus

38.       Beetroot

39.        Parsnips

40.       Lettuce

41.        Celery

42.       Leeks

43.       Squash

44.       Turnip

45.       Peas

46.       Corn

47.       Kale

48.       Tomato

49.       Mushrooms

50.       Capsicum


51.         Broccoli

52.       Mashed potato

53.       Sweet potato

54.       Green beans

55.       Peanut butter

56.       Vegemite

57.       Bread

58.       Cheese

59.       Pasta

60.       Ricotta

61.         Yoghurt

62.       Custard

63.        Hummus

64.       Chick peas

65.       Millet

66.        Brown rice

67.        Couscous

68.       Weetbix

69.        Beans

70.       Rice

71.         Tortillas

72.        Polenta

73.        Cream cheese

74.       Tofu

75.       Cottage cheese


76.        Porridge

77.        Quinoa

78.       Mozzarella

79.        Black beans

80.       Edamame

81.         Chia pudding

82.       Soup

83.       Tempeh

84.       Kidney beans

85.       Gnocchi

86.       Pancake

87.       Pita bread

88.       Jelly

89.       Ricotta

90.       Chicken

91.         White fish

92.       Mince

93.        Salmon

94.       Lamb

95.       Sardines

96.        Turkey

97.        Pork

98.       Tuna

99.        Sliced beef

100.    Sausages


What should I avoid?

For health and safety reasons, it is recommended to steer clear of certain foods in the first 12 months of your bub’s life. This includes:

  • Honey
  • Salt
  • Undercooked eggs
  • Cow’s milk as the main source of milk
  • Seafood with high mercury
  • Raw fish